2004 NASCAR Grand Prix Possibility Revisited

05/06/2023 – Another 2004 Daytona promo using a Pontiac model. This always brings back the thought that when GM announced Pontiac was pulling out of NASCAR for 2004 in October 2003, was this a long-term strategy decision or spur-of-the-moment? The blog has covered other 2004 Daytona promotional material using a Pontiac –

…and considering these types of high-profile, big investment promotions are done well in advance, something must have triggered at GM Corporate/GM Motorsports to warrant the decision; one can only speculate what it was.

The (purported) 2004 model featured here is showing the proper 2003 Pontiac front end including the highlight decals, but the GRAND PRIX lettering is definitely not from 2003, but from the previous generation (1996-2002).

1981 Virginia 500 at Martinsville: Earnhardt and Allison, 2 Different Models of Pontiacs

05/29/2021 – A great shot of two legends in two different models of Pontiacs, with Dale Earnhardt in Rod Osterlund’s #3 Wrangler Grand Prix and Bobby Allison in Harry Ranier’s #28 unsponsored (but with the Tuf-Lon paint scheme from earlier in the season) LeMans. After snookering the field at the Daytona 500 by showing up with a LeMans instead of a Grand Prix (or any other marque/model that had everybody flummoxed with the mandated new, downsized bodystyle), Allison proceeded to frustrate the field by being uncatchable upon which NASCAR made the LeMans uncompetitive by rule decree forcing Ranier and Allison to forego the LeMans on anything other than a short track.

Interestingly enough, the winner of this race turned out to be Morgan Shepherd in Cliff Stewart’s #5 Performance Connection Grand Prix, for the first Pontiac victory of the modern NASCAR era (and Pontiac’s only victory of the 1981 season).