One Pontiac Start in Cup

01/02/2021 – California native Tom Hubert attained 11 starts over the course of an intermittent ten year Cup career (1997-2009) while focusing primarily on road courses. Tom managed to get Kurt Roehrig’s Bradford White (‘White’ being part of the sponsor’s name – a water heater manufacturer – not the color of the racecar) Pontiac Grand Prix in the field for the 1999 Save-Mart/Kragen 350 at Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma, California, held on June 27, 1999. Qualifying 33rd and finishing 31st, one lap down – running at the finish – this would be Hubert’s sole Pontiac start in Cup. Hubert did attempt to qualify Roehrig’s Grand Prix (then showing co-ownership with track legend Jackie Joyner-Kersee) for the Pepsi 400 at Michigan later that Cup season, but did not qualify.