YouTube – Pontiac’s Top-10 NASCAR Cup Moments

06/15/2019 – Legendary NASCAR YouTuber friskynixon provided this enjoyable video highlighting (in his opinion) the ‘Top 10 Pontiac Moments in NASCAR’.  I happen to have my own Top 10 List – of which several overlap with friskynixon – which I will share in my next blog entry.

Thanks to friskynixon for highlighting the Red Dart on his most excellent motorsports-related YouTube Channel.

See the video here –

Top 10 Pontiac Moments in NASCAR – Courtesy of friskynixon

friskynixon’s YouTube Channel, main link –

friskynixon/NASCAR Nixon YouTube Channel Main Page


Bobby Labonte wheeling the Interstate Batteries Pontiac Grand Prix to victory at the 2000 Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis, a definite Top-10 Pontiac moment in NASCAR.

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